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Perjalanan Keberlanjutan

Link Capital yang berbasis di Singapura akan mendirikan fasilitas pemrosesan Gaharu regional untuk memenuhi permintaan global yang sangat besar yang belum terpenuhi. Dengan dukungan dari Government Authority of Singapore dan Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Gaharu mentah dari kawasan ini akan diproses di Centre of Excellence yang didirikan di Singapura di bawah kontrol kualitas yang ketat, sertifikasi, dan mematuhi ESG (environment, social, tata kelola) standar untuk memastikan keberlanjutan. 


Government Support

Obtained Lao PDR government’s exclusive concession for 28 million agarwood trees over a 20 year period, with a regional Centre of Excellence in Singapore. 



Agarwood plantations grown and harvested in a responsible and sustainable manner, through reforestation and low carbon emission to comply with international ESG standards (UN Sustainable Development Goals).


Our CSR programs will support local farmers and the community to improve their livelihoods and help the country improve its GDP. 

Latest Events

We have been making major in-roads with events and collaboration with government agencies and industry partners to further advance our vision and mission. 


A gift of 100 Agarwood saplings from Lao People’s Democratic Republic to Singapore.


Link Capital, Circonomy & Eco-Solutise sign MoU to develop biochar project in Laos.

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Meeting with Dr Phet Phomphiphack, Min of Agriculture & Forestry Laos, PDR & Ms Bounkham Vorachit, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE).


Saudi - Singapore Business Forum

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CFOVietnam In Singapore

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Meeting with ministers of Lao PDR and Lao Ambassador to Singapore.


Agarwood Plantation Drone Mapping in Laos.

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Link Capital forms alliance with  prominent organizations & institutes of higher learning to drive green economic growth across the ASEAN region.


ITE HQ Sustainability Conference

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Royal Fragrances Collaboration - Link Capital’s Oudh specialty store launching soon!

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Link Capital signs letter of intent with Bounthavyxup Group Co., Ltd.

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Clean-Tech, SG companies who provide effective solutions to achieve ESG through innovations head to the UAE in Nov’23.

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UAESBC 5th Anniversary Gala Dinner in aid of the Singapore National Paralympic Council! 8th November 2023

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ITE Student Exchange to Laos


Gaharu adalah kayu damar wangi gelap dari pohon Aquilaria yang digunakan dalam pengobatan, kesehatan, produk wewangian. Itu dapat disuling menjadi Minyak Oud - emas cair, untuk kegunaan lain.  Itu dihargai dalam banyak budaya dan tujuan keagamaan di seluruh Asia, Timur Tengah dan Eropa.  Gaharu kelas atas dan Minyak Oud masing-masing dihargai USD100.000 per kilogram atau per liter.  Pasar global berkembang pesat dengan perkiraan nilai US$15-16 miliar per tahun dan pasokannya hampir tidak dapat memenuhi 30% dari permintaan global.

Thank you for visiting us @ Arab Health 2023

Liquid Gold Agarwood Found to Have Significantly Higher Agarotetrol

Site Inspection at Laos DPR plantation

Apa itu Gaharu?

Our Partners

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Nature Based Sustainable Fund Launch Highlights

Nature Based Sustainable Fund Launch Highlights

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Agarwood & Oudh Oil by Link Capital Singapore

Agarwood & Oudh Oil by Link Capital Singapore

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Agarwood Production in Lao PDR

Agarwood Production in Lao PDR

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Innovation Partner: Temasek Polytechnic

Innovation Partner: Temasek Polytechnic

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Aromatherapy Yoga With Agarwood

Aromatherapy Yoga With Agarwood

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De-stress With LiquidGold Agarwood Oud

De-stress With LiquidGold Agarwood Oud

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Teng Theng Dar, Strategic Advisor, LinkCapital

Teng Theng Dar, BBM
Penasihat Strategis

Ini adalah salah satu peluang bisnis LST bagi investor cerdas yang ingin berpartisipasi dalam investasi berdampak untuk berkontribusi pada pencapaian Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa.

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