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Agarwood Products

Minyak Oud, Keripik

Kesehatan / Produk Harian / Penggunaan Agama dan Budaya

Obat, Teh, Kesehatan
Tradition Chinese Medicine Cabinet

TCM (Pengobatan Tradisional Cina) atau Produk Obat / Kesehatan / Produk Harian

oud oil infused fragrances

Parfum arus utama sebagai nada dasar dalam wewangian.

Gaharu adalah kayu resin gelap harum yang digunakan dalam dupa, parfum, obat-obatan, dan disuling menjadi minyak oud, dll. Kayu yang tertanam resin dihargai dalam banyak budaya dan tujuan keagamaan (mis. Timur Tengah, Cina, Jepang, India, dll) .


Salah satu alasan utama untuk kelangkaan relatif dan biaya tinggi gaharu adalah menipisnya sumber daya alam sekitar 6 - 7% dari pohon gaharu hidup liar lebih dari 50 tahun yang akan menghasilkan resin.


Pasar global gaharu saat ini diperkirakan berada pada kisaran USD 15-16 miliar dan berkembang pesat karena pasokannya hampir tidak dapat memenuhi 30% dari permintaan global.

Minyak Oud adalah bahan utama dalam banyak wewangian merek mewah arus utama.  Kandungan Oud di setiap wewangian berkisar antara 0,6 hingga 8% tergantung pada kekuatan esensi Oud yang ingin ditampilkan oleh pewangi dalam karakter wewangian.  


Oud juga digunakan dalam 100-an rentang Timur Tengah dan wewangian dipesan lebih dahulu; sebagai wewangian aroma dasar untuk lilin, dupa, sabun, dan baru-baru ini krim wajah dan tubuh Itu juga dapat digunakan mentah, minyak murni dan dioleskan ke tubuh setiap hari.

Ini juga digunakan untuk tujuan pengobatan untuk mengobati:


  • Anti-inflamasi – Menenangkan iritasi kulit, meredakan batuk akibat peradangan jaringan sensitif di saluran napas

  • Aktivitas antimikroba – Melawan bakteri penyebab jerawat dan bakteri

  • Antioksidan - Memperbaiki kulit mati, membuatnya bercahaya

  • Anti-rematik – Mengurangi peradangan dan rasa sakit yang terkait dengan radang sendi dan rematik

  • Kualitas diuretik – Membuang asam urat dan racun lain dari tubuh

  • Sifat relaksan – Membantu meredakan ketegangan dan tidur nyenyak

Agarwood Sources of Supply

Oud oil is a key ingredient in many mainstream luxury brand fragrances.  The Oud content in each fragrance ranges from 0.6 to 8% depending on the strength of the Oud essence that the perfumer wishes to display within the character of the fragrance. 


Oud is also used in 100's of Middle Eastern ranges and bespoke fragrances; as a base note fragrance for candles, incense sticks, soaps, and more recently face and body creams It can also be used raw, undiluted oil and applied to the body daily.

It is also used for medicinal purposes to treat:


  • Anti-inflammatory – Soothe skin irritation, calm cough due to inflammation of sensitive tissues in the airway

  • Antimicrobial activity – Fights bacteria that causes acne and bacteria

  • Antioxidants - Repair dead skin, making it glow

  • Anti-arthritic – Reduce inflammation and pain associated with arthritis and rheumatism

  • Diuretic qualities – Flush out uric acid and other toxins from the body

  • Relaxant properties – Promotes relief of tension and good sleep

agarwood processing
From Agarwood Trees To Oud Oil

As a manufacturer and wholesaler, we meticulously oversee every step of the journey, from the source to the final product, to ensure the exquisite quality of our pure oud oil. 

Agarwood Products


Core Products

Our core products from the plantations include agarwood chips of various qualities as well as valuable agarwood oil (oudh oil)


Lifestyle Products

We have developed lifestyle & skincare products, ie. consumer products that have agarwood/oudh oil as its active ingredients.



Agarwood from our plantations has been independently analyzed by Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore on the quality level of Agarotetrol.

Core Products

Agarwood Chips, Oudh/Agarwood Oil

Our core products are now available for OEM manufacturers and raw product users.  These are graded for various uses.

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Lifestyle Products

Teas, Cosmetics, Beauty, Fragrances, Incense...

Agarwood & Oudh oils are now being used as a base ingredient for numerous complementary healthcare and beauty products.  Take advantage of the numerous benefits of agarwood for your well-being.

Product Certification

Independent Analysis

“Liquid Gold Agarwood Found To Have Significantly Higher Agarotetrol”

Agarwood product verification by Centre of Innovation for Complementary Health Products, Temasek Polytechnic
New Innovations Under Development

We constantly work with companies to develop innovative and complementary health products, like skincare, haircare, aroma therapy for post-cancer patients.

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